Increased Exposure Opportunities
High visibility opportunities to cut through the noise and excitement reaching your target audience.
Sponsored Aisle Signs (Exclusive)
Have your logo prominently displayed on these vertical hanging signs that will help attendees navigate a busy Exhibit Hall.
Floor Decals
$1,000 per decal (2’x2’)
Help attendees find their way to your booth by displaying your company logo and booth number on floor decals distributed in high traffic areas throughout the Discovery Hall.
Meter Boards
Display your marketing message or product information on one or more of these double-sided, freestanding meter board signs placed in high-traffic areas.
*New Pre-Event e-Blasts
Starting at $4,000
Send a custom email to the full list of pre-registered attendees prior to the ASBMR 2025 Annual Meeting. This opportunity is limited to one exhibitor per day and includes a campaign report to measure your campaign performance. Don't delay as dates are sold on a first come, first served basis.
Sponsored e-Blasts must comply with ASBMR's Continuing Medical Education Guidelines.
- $4,000 (4 Weeks Out)
- $4,500 (3 Weeks Out)
- $5,000 (2 Weeks Out)
- $5,500 (1 Week Out)
- $6,000 (Week of ASBMR 2025)
Daily Conference Newsletter
$6,000 (Four opportunities)
Your banner ad will be featured in daily conference newsletters attendees receive each morning, which highlight the day’s conference activities, key sessions and more!
*New ASBMR Headshot Lounge
$25,000 (Exclusive)
The Headshot Lounge offers attendees the opportunity the have free professional portraits taken while they are at the ASBMR 2025 Annual Meeting. Located in the Discovery Hall, the lounge will be branded with your company's logo and promoted in the mobile app. As the exclusive sponsor, you will also have the option to display promotional materials and giveaways.
*Promotional materials and giveaways are subject to approval and placement is confined to the lounge area.
*New: Registration Sponsor (includes registration confirmation email)
$20,000 (Exclusive)
Your 600x150 px banner ad will be featured in the registration confirmation email that will be sent to every attendee as they register for the ASBMR 2025 Annual Meeting.
Material Distribution in Delegate Bags
$3,500 Non-exhibitors per insert
$1,750 Exhibitors per insert
To publicize an upcoming conference, promote a new product or draw traffic to an exhibit booth, an announcement can be inserted into the ASBMR 2025 Annual Meeting delegate bags. A completed materials distribution form must be submitted to the ASBMR Business Office for review and approval prior to printing.